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Deposit Stress Analyzer – Test Strips – How to know what to purchase

Click on this link to view a chart on what you would need to purchase DSA How to know that to purchase

Note 1

A X indicates necessary equipment and a ? indicates optional depending on plating bath operating conditions, for a target deposit thickness of 100 microinches.

Note 2

Plating Cell may be needed if you will be plating in the tank or in the lab. The 800 series is for lab use for when a pump and or a heater is needed.

Note 3

Plating Cell PN: 492 is preferred for electroless plating and for the evaluation of precious metal plating baths where a small solution volume is advantageous.

Note 4

A 0-10 Power Supply is recommended for Chrome which Specialty Testing does not carry.

Note 5

The Immersion Heater for the 800 series plating cells accomodates the PN: 3046 Heater and the PN: 492 Pump. The Pump which is included with the purchase of PN: 800L plating cell. It best to store the pump in water when not in use.

PN: 785 Plating Cell Series

These plating cells are designed for precision deposit stress measurements. The Polycarbonate Construction Plating Cell (PN: 785A) and PVC Construction plating Cell (PN: 785B for Chromic Acid and harsh chemicals) have flow holes at each end on the bottom sides to allow solution to flow into the cell when the cell is lowered into the plating bath. If it’s desired to use a single plating cell for both in-tank and lab settings, the Polycarbonate Construction Plating Cell with flow holes (PN: 785A or PN: 785B) fits inside the Container (PN: 100) for lab work. For in the lab only use a Polycarbonate Construction Plating Cell (PN: 785C) which has no flow holes on the bottom sides and is a self-contained unit. All plating cells contain a pocket at each end to hold a 2 3/8″ x 2 3/8″ x 1/8″ anode in place and a bracket to hold a test strip in the plating cell.

PN: 800 Plating Cell Series

The 800 Series Plating Cells are a self contained unit. The plating solution is poured into the cell for use in a laboratory. A dividing wall separates the cells into two equal sections. One section is utilized to heat using the Immersion Heater (PN:3046) and agitate the solution selected for the evaluation of deposit stress using the Submersible Pump (PN: 404 which is included in the purchase of a PN: 800L). The dividing wall has an opening at each end to permit solution flow through both cell sections. All plating cells contain a pocket at each end to hold a 2 3/8″ x 2 3/8″ x 1/8″ anode in place and a bracket to hold a test strip in the plating bath.
*The PN: 800L Cell or PN: 404 Pump is NOT intended to be used with Chromic Acid. For Chromic Acid you would need the plating cell PN: 800PVC.

PN: 492 Insite One Plating Cell

The In-Site 1 Plating Cell can be used in a solution volume as small as a 40 ml beaker. It is critical, however, to place the cell equal distant from two anodes that are of similar size, shape and composition that are positioned across from the openings in the cell.

Harsh Chemical Exposure

Plating solution chemistries such as chromic acid will require a PVC cell.

Temperature Considerations

Two cell materials are available: Lexan, clear poly carbonate for temperatures up to 212°F, and PVC, poly vinyl chloride for temperatures up to 360°F. The single 0.4 gallon cell without openings along the cell end side bottoms will require external heating from another outside source such as a water bath on a hot plate or it can be placed in a poly container that is also available.

Solution Agitation

For most applications, solution agitation is not necessary for the In-Site 1 Cell and for the 0.4 gallon cells. Use of slight agitation for above room temperature operation is required for the 0.8 gallon cell PN: 800L to maintain a uniform bath temperature since the heater is located on one side of the working cell. The solution flow must be minimal in the test strip side of the cell so the legs of the test strip are not bent so as to favor one anode above the other, yet sufficient to maintain a uniform bath temperature.
*With the purchase of a PN: 800L Plating Cell there is a PN: 404 Submersible Pump included in the price.

Bath Temperature Control

The heater (PN: 3046) controls the bath temperature ±2°F for most commonly used applications at a given setting. Precise temperature control to ± 0.5°F is attainable with the use of the Electronic Temperature Controller LCD-111000-000, a Class A digital apparatus (PN: 590TC).

Test Strip and Anode Considerations

*Two are required, similar in composition, shape and size.
*Two Anodes 2 3/8″ (61mm) x 2 3/8″ (61mm) (Can be purchased from Kocour Company – contact information is on contact us page).

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